Bump Paints
I paint bumps! It may seem completely mad to some people, in fact some even go as far to describe it as vulgar. I personally see it as beautiful. Painting a pregnant bump allows you to freely express yourself, it’s fun and relaxing.
A bump painting session can up to about 2 hours to complete and the soon-mum-to-be can sit and relax while the cooling sponges and brush strokes create her chosen design. Babies always kick a little during the painting session too! I take photographs after so that the mums have a keepsake for their baby albums. I love the fact that every image has a special story behind it. I love my job, it allows me to be a mum as well as earn a living working from home. Pregnancy is one of the most special times in a couple’s life and I believe that if anything can be done to help cherish this then it should be done without questioning. A 2 hour session is $150.
Do you already have some cherubs you would like to include in your paint? Each additional face $15 You can choose to have a bump painting each trimester and post baby too! $100 per paint |
Sunny Days Body Art